Evidence-Based Reading Interventions for Middle and High School Teachers
Introduction Video
Please watch the introductory video below. The video will explain the rationale and purpose for the Professional Learning Module (PLM), discuss the learning content, and review important navigational information.
4:13 seconds
Transcript Welcome to this professional learning module or PLM titled Evidence-Based Reading Interventions for Middle and High School Teachers. This PLM is designed to help middle and high school teachers intervene with struggling readers in their regular education classrooms and should take approximately three hours to complete. The format of site tabs at the top of the PLM site follows the Star Legacy Cycle Design by the Iris center at Vanderbilt University. Participants will use the navigation buttons at the bottom of each page to progress through the linear PLM from start to finish. There are also navigation buttons at the bottom of each page that will take you home to the glossary and to materials for further study. Links are embedded throughout the PLM that will take participants to outside resources. These links will open in a new tab to prevent participants from losing their place in the course. Glossary links are also embedded throughout the content of this PLM. These words are indicated by bold print within the text. These links will open a new tab to prevent participants from losing their pace in the course. Participants will first encounter the PLM's home page, which presents the Purpose, goal, and objectives of the PLM. On the home page, participants are asked to download the guided notes that will be used throughout the PLM. The guided notes will be turned in at the end of the PLM as part of the assessment. Participants will click next at the bottom of the homepage to start the PLM. After the home page, participants will begin the PLM with the challenge page, where they will watch an educator scenario related to a struggling reader in a middle school classroom. Next, participants will go through the initial thoughts page, where they will consider questions related to their prior knowledge and first impressions of helping struggling readers. The answers to these questions will be recorded in the participant’s guided notes and revisited at the end of the PLM. After the initial thoughts section, participants will engage with the learning section of PLM titled perspectives and resources. In the five perspective and resources pages participants will navigate learning related to foundational research supporting reading instruction, how to identify skill deficits in struggling readers, and how to intervene with students who are struggling at the phonemic awareness level, phonics level, and fluency level of reading. After completing the perspectives and resource pages, participants will complete the wrap-up page, where they will consider how their thoughts have changed since completing the initial thoughts page. Next, participants will complete an assessment about providing reading interventions to middle and high school students. The assessment will ask participants to submit their guided notes at this time. After the assessment page, participants are able to navigate to the additional resources pages for additional information, including material for further study, the glossary, and alignment with national standards. The PLM is designed to be completed individually to earn professional renewal credits but the material within the site can prompt meaningful discussions within professional learning communities or grade band planning teams about how to incorporate interventions into regular education classrooms. A certificate will be auto-generated and emailed to participants after they submit their assessment. We hope you enjoy the PLM and discover how you can help support struggling readers in your classroom.
Guided Notes

Click on this link to download your Guided Notes. You will need to make a copy of the document and save it as a Google Document.
You will type your answers to questions into the Guided Notes throughout this PLM and turn them in as part of your assessment at the end of the course. We recommend that you go ahead and change your share settings to: allow anyone with the link can view. This action will save you a step at the end of the course.
About this PLM
Welcome to Evidence-Based Reading Practices. This module is designed to help middle and high school teachers intervene with struggling readers in their regular education classrooms. This module will take you approximately three hours to complete. During that time, you will learn what to do when students are missing the necessary foundational skills to become skilled readers.

Participants will become familiar with assessments and strategies to assess and intervene for middle and high school students with foundational reading difficulties.
Summarize the basic overview of evidence-based reading research strategies
Demonstrate the ability to use assessments to identify skill deficit areas
Apply practices and interventions to address specific, word-level deficiencies
Recognize how to find evidence-based resources to use for interventions
Additional Resources
Resources to support your understanding of this PLM are located under the Additional Resouces tab at the top of this site. This page includes information about the authors, alignment to national standards, the glossary, materials for further study, and references.
Terms of Use
The learning cycle featured in this project is based on the STAR Legacy Cycle developed by the IRIS Center (2013;http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/) and based on the work of Dr. John Branford and colleagues (National Research Council, 2000).